Call now for a FREE INSPECTION:

Windward Oahu #⠀263-6269

Downtown / Honolulu #⠀536-9388

Leeward Oahu #⠀676-1041

Pest Services

Over the past 18 years we’ve learned a thing or two about Oahu’s pest problems, and have found the best way to serve our clients is to provide a free, no-hassle inspection.  Completing this inspection allows us to make sure we offer every customer exactly what they need.

Kaulana currently offers a wide range of protection, as well as prevention services, for our residential and commercial clients, including treatments for the following;

Most of our current clients opt for quarterly or bi-annual treatments as preventative protection, but we also provide single-service contracts. 

If you are looking for more extensive coverage or have a special project (residential or commercial), please contact one of our technicians directly.  As a company, we take pride in helping our ohana and want to make Oahu the best place it can be.

* For any additional questions or special projects, please call one of the phone numbers below to connect with an expert in your area.

Windward Oahu: 263-6269       Downtown / Honolulu: 536-9388       Leeward Oahu: 676-1041

For our ambitious D.I.Y. Friends...

We understand hiring a professional… isn’t for everyone. If you are somebody who is willing to forfeit a weekend (or two) in hopes of saving a couple bucks, and are confident enough to tackle your pest problem independently, we still want to help you! Before calling an expert, we encourage you to try different methods, remedies, and tricks to solve your pest problems. In some occasions, simple changes make all the difference! To help guide you in the right direction, our technicians have compiled some simple tips – that don’t require a great deal of work – to help solve your problems.

If you’ve tried everything, solved nothing, and desperately want your weekends back, please call one of our trained staff members for a free inspection. Remember, time is money – so stop wasting it! Our technicians are trained to solve problems quickly, work efficiently, and provide lasting solutions for your problems.  

1. Tidy up - One of the easiest things to do to keep the bugs out is to work from the inside out. The best thing you can do as a homeowner is to just simply stay neat and tidy  Bugs love a good mess because that means either a home or a meal. Like humans some of the basics needs of a pest is food shelter or water. The more we offer them those things the more we will find them around. Make sure you are keeping your counters clear of crumbs and clutter.  This will give bugs like ants and roaches something to snack on and somewhere to live. So close up any open food and wipe up the counter.

2.  Spring Cleaning - Regardless of whether or not it's actually Spring time, we always recommend a good cleaning! Isn’t it about time you clear out your pantry anyway? The more you are able to get rid of excess clutter in your home the less likely you find those surprise roaches under that box of brownies you still have not made. By doing a spring cleaning you are able to start from scratch. We suggest starting with the kitchen and work your way through the house one room at a time.

3.  Vacuum Consistently - As weird or gross as it is we as humans shed skin cells that are snacked on by these bugs. A consistent vacuum will make sure we pick up our trash and any eggs that may be laying around as well.

4.  Seal it up - Make sure that you are able to seal up any crack or openings around your house.  Bugs also love leaky pipes and unsealed tubs and sinks. Make sure to inspect your home inside and out for things that can be resealed. If there are clothes or blankets that you are not using in a specific season try sealing them up instead of pushing them to the back of your closet. That way they are protected and ready to go when you need them next!

5. Other good practices - Do not vacuum up ants and spiders. They can survive inside your vacuum and crawl right back out.  Seal any gaps on door and window frames and Keep food and trash off the ground. Keep grass relatively short and trees and bushes neatly pruned and off the sides of home. Keep areas with water pipes clear of any trash or food. Keep kitchen trash cans out in the open and not under the kitchen sink and keep main trash cans at least 5 feet away from  the home . Clean and disinfect floors and cabinets monthly, if not weekly. 

Hawaii has warm and moist weather. Hawaii is a home to some insects that prefer the temperature. Hawaii can be a favored environment for them. These are the list of bugs that are commonly found in Hawaii.  

  • Cockroaches:There are 19 kinds of cockroaches in Hawaii. The most common species in Hawaii are American cockroach and German cockroach. American cockroach is larger than other common species. German cockroach is smaller than American cockroach. These cockroaches prefer warm and moist environment.
  • Ants:Ants are common insects around the world. The most common species you might see are Odorous house ants (Tapinoma sessile), Pavement ants, Carpenter ants, Argentine ants. Ant can breed anywhere including in your house. Most of case, major cause of ant infestation is poor sanitation that constantly provide food source to ants. To get rid of ant, you should extinct their nests.
  • Termites: Termites are eusocial insects, which means they like grouping. If you find termites in your house, you should get rid of them as soon as possible because they cause damage to the house.
  • Centipedes: Some people name this bug “hundred-leggers” since it has many legs. Centipedes has averagely 35 pairs of legs. Some species (such as Scolopendra subspinipes) are venomous and bite human.
  • Spider: 3,000 species have been found in United States. The most common species in Hawaii are American house spider, Southern Black Widow (Latrodectus mactans), and Brown Widow Spider (Latrodectus geometricus).

* This information is meant to aid individuals who are trying to resolve general pest problems, by providing simple treatments and tips.
We are not liable for your actions and urge you to be safe. Know your limits, and act accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

For the best possible results, we kindly ask that you complete the following tasks before your technician arrives:
– Unlock gates or fences
– Remove objects from back and front lawns
– Pick up objects off the floors and window sills
– Remove or cover food in the kitchen
– Move furniture at least 12 inches off the walls in rooms that are receiving treatment. If furniture is too heavy to move our team will work around it.

Our local technicians are typically able to complete an entire home in roughly one hour. This estimate is made under the assumption that the client prepped their home prior to the technician’s arrival.

Completion time for commercial jobs depends on the size of the project as well as the type of treatment that is requested. For more information regarding your project, contact one of our technicians directly.

Some chemicals can be harmful for newborns and expecting mothers if they are inhaled, digested, or rubbed on certain parts of the body.

We strongly encourage that children under the age of two years old be taken out of the home for one hour after the treatment has been completed. This allows the chemicals to dry, and prevents young children from touching or ingesting harsh chemicals.

Some of our treatments can be toxic enough to cause serious illness or death if consumed by your animals. However, once the product has been been dried and declared safe by your pest technician it will be harmless.

To be safe, we suggest that you keep your pet(s) in a designated kennel, space, or room for at least one hour after the treatment has taken place.

Kaulana Pest Control only uses eco-friendly chemicals to ensure that your plants, produce, and lawn is unaffected by our treatment.

Although our chemicals are specifically engineered to target bugs and rodents we do recommend that you rinse your garden produce before consumption as a precautionary measure.

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